Friday, December 15, 2023

Emperor Karl's Legacy Lives On: Family Unites in Madeira to Commemorate His Life

The island of Madeira, a tranquil haven in the Atlantic, played host to a significant gathering of descendants of Emperor Karl I of Austria-Hungary last weekend. The occasion marked a poignant commemoration of the emperor's passing on April 1, 1922, at the age of thirty-four. This event was particularly significant as it brought together over one hundred family members to pay tribute to their ancestor, who was beautified by Pope John Paul II in 2004. The gathering was a testament to the enduring legacy of Emperor Karl, whose life was marked by unwavering commitment to his faith and his duties as a ruler. His descendants, including Archduke Karl, Archduchess Anna Gabriele, Archduke Georg, and Archduchess Maria Beatrix, were joined by religious leaders such as Father László Erffa, the Bishop of Funchal, and Father Paul Habsburg. The event was a moving tribute to the emperor's life and a celebration of his enduring influence on the family and the world at large1.
The descendants of Blessed Karl of Austria, April 2022.
Last weekend, at least one hundred descendants of Emperor Karl I of Austria-Hungary gathered on the island of Madeira. The emperor died on Madeira on 1 April 1922. He was only thirty-four years-old. In 2004, Emperor Karl was beautified by Pope John Paul II.
The imperial family in the Cathedral of Funchal. Front row: Archduke Karl, Archduchess Anna Gabriele, Archduke Georg, and Archduchess Maria Beatrix. Photo (c) Duarte Gomes.
Archduke Karl and Archduke Georg with their aunt Archduchess Anna Gabriele. Photo (c) Duarte Gomes.
Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, wearing the Order of the Golden Fleece. Photo (c) Duarte Gomes.
On 1 April 2022, a Mass was held at the Church of Our Lady of the Mount in Funchal. The church was packed with a large number of descendants of Emperor Karl and Empress Zita. Among those present were Archduke Karl, Head of the Imperial House and a grandson of the emperor, as well as Archduchess Anna Gabriele, a daughter-in-law of the late emperor, and Dom Duarte, Duke of Braganza and Head of the Royal House of Portugal. 
Father László Erffa, the Bishop of Funchal, Father Paul Habsburg, and Father Johannes Habsburg. Photo (c) Duarte Gomes.
In the homily for the Eucharist, the Bishop of Funchal, Dom Nuno Brás, stated: "Faithfulness to God and to the commitments that God had entrusted to him at the time of his coronation as Apostolic King of Hungary, always led and enlightened him [Karl] in the understanding of reality and in the search for paths that would lead to a happy life for all. As ruler of the Empire, looking for new ways to respond to new needs; he did so as a believer, living on the basis of faith” And that's what the Servant of God Zita recognised, when questioned by a journalist about how she and Karl found the strength to overcome the persecution and betrayal they were subjected to, she replied: 'Without faith, it would have been impossible.' In these days, once again marked by a war that invades our Europe, we must look to the example of this Holy Emperor. [An emperor who] sought to make peace; but also an Emperor who ‘breathed’ an inner peace that could only come from God."
On 15 March, Dom Nuno Brás reflected on the life and example of the Blessed Emperor Karl of Austria. In his writing, the Bishop of Funchal recalled to readers the three core tenants of the beliefs and faith of the emperor:
First, the primacy of God. In personal life, be it interior, in the secret of conscience, or public, in the attitudes and words that someone addresses to everyone; and, above all, the primacy of God in political life, in the organization of society and in the laws that regulate its way of life. Throughout his life, this was Karl's secret: God and his will, sought after, known and lived as far as our strength and abilities allow. Then the primacy of the person. The person is seen not as a means to an end, not as another insignificant number, but as someone dear and loved by God for himself, with a unique dignity that cannot be compared to the mere consideration of one in the midst of an anonymous mass. Finally, the primacy of peace. It may seem strange, but the fact is that at the beginning of the 20th century (and even today), many defended war as a means of human progress: from the partisans of the class struggle to the defenders of savage individualism that does not look at nothing or anyone to achieve your purposes. In front of these and against them, Karl, since he arrived at the head of the Empire, always tried seriously and with all his strength to find ways to peace in Europe and in the world.
No centenário do seu falecimento: D. Nuno Brás afirma que Beato Carlos é “uma bênção para o mundo” Nós e o Beato Carlos de Áustria

As we conclude this article about the gathering of Emperor Karl's descendants in Madeira, we are reminded of the enduring legacy of this remarkable individual. His commitment to his faith and his duties as a ruler, as highlighted by the Bishop of Funchal, Dom Nuno Brás, in his homily, serves as a powerful example for us all. The primacy of God, the primacy of the person, and the primacy of peace were the guiding principles that shaped Emperor Karl's life, and it is these same principles that continue to inspire and guide his descendants today.

As we reflect on this poignant commemoration, we are reminded of the importance of staying true to our values and principles, even in the face of adversity. Emperor Karl's life was marked by unwavering dedication to his faith and his duties, and it is this same dedication that has allowed his legacy to endure for generations. As we move forward, we would do well to draw inspiration from his example, embracing the primacy of God and the primacy of the person in our own lives, and striving to cultivate a culture of peace and understanding. May the memory of Emperor Karl continue to inspire us all to live lives of faith, hope, and love.

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